Listen to a Comic Book During Lunch
Our podcast "The Super Shorts Podcast" Is kind of like reading a comic book with your ears. It features our characters, Aceblade, LumberJax, Harlem, Mystic and other superheroes and Villains. We've had a good time reading off these little stories for 3 2 seasons and now we're going to kick it up a notch.

This season will start off with Aceblade and his sidekick Mystic hanging out before they get a life-changing alert. Join us for a wild ride starting tomorrow at noon.
We will be releasing 2 episodes this week along with the Kickstarter and then an episode every week until June 10th. I think you'll enjoy all the twists and turns this season has. It also sets up a huge reveal for season 4... I've said too much already. Let me get out of here before I spoil the whole thing. :-)
Until Next time, Stay Vigilant My Friends.