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Getting my FIRST Tattoo on Saturday!

I'm so nervous!

If you've been following along with us on social media you know that we put out a challenge to all of our readers and fans. If we reached $4,567 on the campaign that day, I would get my first tattoo on Facebook LIVE so you all could experience the pain along with me before the Kickstarter was over.

We reached the goal within an hour and since I'm a man of my word... I scheduled the appointment for TOMORROW!! Find me on Facebook or Instagram and look out for me around lunch time. Which tattoo design do you like more?

Tattoo Option #2

Tattoo Option #1

Also I went down to Charlotte to talk with Wolly about the King Supreme project. We sat and talked for about 4 hours and I put together a little video so you could see his process when making art and hear our discussion. I hope you enjoy it.

3 Days Left!

The Campaign is coming to a close after this weekend and right now we're right over $5000 raised to bring this book to life. We're so thankful for your support and if you've been waiting to pledge, now is the time. We're so glad that you all have been enjoying our projects and we hope you find value in what we do. Thanks again for the support and until next time... Stay Vigilant my Friends.


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