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Hello everyone, we're 7 days away from the Aceblade #3 kickstarter launch. We have a setup the preview page so that everyone can go ahead and have their pledge levels in mind. 

Keep in mind that you don't have to have the money for your pledge until the end of the 30 days. It always helps if you pledge early and share with your friends online. Long story short, please pledge early and keep sharing to make sure we meet the goal. 

Upcoming Events

Greensboro Comicon September 16-17 2017

This weekend. We will be at Greensboro Comicon giving away free comics and taking early pledges for the kickstarter. So if you're in the area, come by and see us!

Recent NEWS

We've been doing the rounds with podcasts to promote our free comic giveaway and the upcoming kickstarter. Here are a couple of our recent interviews for you to check out.

That's all for now. See you all next week for the launch!!!

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