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Infinity War Giveaway & an Aceblade Preview

Are you super stoked about Avengers: Infinity War? So are we!

To help you enjoy this amazing film, Silver Empire has teamed up with authors Russell Newquist, Morgon Newquist Kai Wai Cheah, Jon Mollison, J.D. Cowan, Russell Nohelty, David A. Byrne, Danny J Quick, Josh Dahl, Roy Johnson, Dani Dixon, Emerald Dodge, Rashaan ”Sean mack” McAdoo, Mike Exner III, Matthew Jones, Carmelo Chimera, S Shane Thomas, Zora Marie, Jade Kerrion, Nury & Moana McAdams, Sam Fergusun, and Robert Arnold to give a ton of awesome Avengers swag – including your own Infinity Gauntlet – to one lucky winner!

Prizes include: an original 1994 print run of The Infinity Gauntlet limited series comicbooks in near-mint condition, Marvel Legends Series Electronically Articulated Infinity Gauntlet, your choice of Avengers character t-shirts in your size, Marvel’s The Avengers in Blu-Ray or DVD (your choice), Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron in Blu-Ray or DVD (your choice), and a $25 Fandango gift card so that you can get your own tickets for Infinity War!

Covers and editions may not be the exact ones pictured depending on availability.

*Your email will be distributed to all of the creators. You can unsubscribe from each individually.*

Also! The Aceblade Kickstarter for the 100 Page Ultimate Edition is launching on May 5th, THIS SATURDAY! Get a sneak peak at the campaign by clicking the link below!

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