Aceblade on TikTok

Hey you! How's it been?


Me? Oh I've been fine... Just realizing that I'm addicted to TikTok.

If you've been online in the past 4-5 months you've probably heard about this little app that has all the Young folks excited and creating again. My daughters were using it a few months ago to make dance videos and I decided to download and install it myself.

So now here I am, almost 100 posts later thinking... Hmmm maybe some of our good friends I. The comic world are on TikTok too.


So... Are you? If you're on TikTok respond with your username and I'll follow you on there. If not, I'd suggest you check it out. It really has some fun videos and challenges. There's everything from glassmakers and oil painters to dancers and gamers showing off there stuff. Shoot I even made a video about Aceblade and which other characters influenced his story.


See, look --->


Oh shoot! I was having so much fun that I forgot to tell you about the 15% sale were having for the rest of the month of February. Literally everything in our store is 15% off with the code "BLACKACE" so now is the perfect time to catch up on Aceblade or jump into LumberJax or that new King Supreme book that just came out.

We have some exciting news coming in the next few weeks so stay tuned and make sure you follow us on social media, so you'll never miss a post.


Well, back to TikTok for me. I'll see you all soon. ♠️🙌🏾🙏🏽✌🏾
